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LHS Bowling League
Season: 32 Weeks
Begins in September
Day: Friday's
Time: 9:00am
Cost: $15 weekly
Contact Tino Yodice for more information.
Here at Lions Head South we have and have had a bowling league for many years. The current league consists of nine teams of four players each. We bowl on Friday mornings at 9am at Ocean Lanes on Route 88 in Lakewood.
The league begins at our bowling meeting in mid-August. We advise players to come to the meeting to insure them of getting on a team. Teams are made up accordingly to averages from the top to the bottom. We attempt to make the team as close as possible in average so there is only a slight difference in teams.
The season starts on the Friday after Labor Day and runs for 32 weeks, except for taking time off for the day after Thanksgiving and other holidays that may fall on Fridays.
We encourage bowlers of all skill levels to join the fun and socializing of the sport. We currently have bowlers in the low 100 averages to the mid-eighties. We all can say that before we joined that we hadn’t bowled in twenty or thirty years. Don’t let the “I’m not good enough to bowl in a league” stop you from coming to our August meeting. Keep an eye open for the August calendar for the date and time of the bowling meeting.