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ROBO CALL September 1,2024

Hello Lions Head South… Here are your messages for this week…

The following tickets will be sold Tuesday morning in the clubhouse from 9:30-11:00...

-The Recreation Committee will be selling tickets at $5 each for the POOLAPALOOZA party on

Sunday, September 22nd from 1-5PM. See the Recreation bulletin board for details.

-The WGA will be hosting a Tricky Tray/Gift Auction to benefit Mary’s Place on September 28th. Luncheon tickets will be selling tickets for $15.

Advance ticket sales for the gift auction, and prize selection,

will take place on Friday September 27th from 4-7PM.

- The Lions Head Country Club will be selling tickets at $40 each for their annual tournament on Saturday, September 28th.

The tournament is open to residents and guests. Lunch only is $15.

-The Men’s Club will be selling tickets at $45 each for their BYOB Dance Party on September 21st at 6:30pm, which includes a DJ and a full buffet from Jacques Catering.

They will also be selling Mega 50/50 raffle tickets at $5 each.

In other news…

-Articles for the October Lions Pride are due to the Pride’s email address,, no later than Wednesday, September 4th. Call Carol Powell with any questions.

-Women’s Indoor Shuffleboard will begin on Friday, September 6th.

The schedule for games is posted on the clubhouse bulletin board..


-Residents are reminded that if you removed a tree in 2023 and have not yet replaced it, now is the time to do so. The best time to plant is no later than October.

-Residents are reminded to please turn off all lights out when leaving the clubhouse, except for the chandelier in the entrance hallway.

-September 4th is the last day to register for the Town-Wide Yard Sale, to be held on September 7th. Rain date is September 8th. If you plan to set up in the parking lot, use the address “250 Lions Head Blvd South” when registering.

Call Deb Rodgers with any questions.

-The Recreation Committee is sponsoring a Friday Night Lights Fun By the Pool event on September 13th from 4-8:30pm.

Sign-up on the bulletin board to be included for poolside pizza at 6PM.

Thank you everyone. Remember that trash collection will be delayed by one day this week due to the holiday.

Also remember that school starts this week, so please drive carefully when

children are present.

And, as always, have a very pleasant evening.


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