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Lions Head South 40th Anniversary

Lions Head South celebrated its 40th anniversary during 2022.

Below is an excerpt of an article from a 2007 issue of the Lions Pride summarizing the first 25 years of our community.


By William Scratchley 
(from the May-June 2007 issue of the Lions Pride)

Lions Head South was started in the early eighties as a follow-up from the original Lions Head Village, now known as Lions Head North. The first house to be occupied was on November 15th, 1982, when Jim and Anne Clark moved into 20 Tennis Court. 


In 1984, the Homeowners Association took on new members: Don Porter, President; Walter Grote, Vice President; Grace Lukas, Secretary; and Bob de Groat, Treasurer. In June 1984, we welcomed our 100th family, Frances and Frederick Pfennig, 15 Abbey Road. 


There were five basic house models ranging from the Austin, Walton, Emerson, Marlowe and Hawthome. There were also two unique models called Thoreau which were similar to the Marlowe. Basic prices ranged from $89,000 for the Austin to $139,000 for the Hawthrone. The Walton is basically an Austin with a cathedral ceiling and a fireplace. The breakdown of house models by number is: Hawthorne 352; Marlowe 68; Emerson 75; Walton 22; Austin 96; and 2 Thoreaus. 


James Dickerson became our first Trustee, and as additional homes became occupied, our Board of Trustees increased to its present level of seven. 


Don Porter was the first editor of The Pride and resigned to take over as the new President of Lions Head South Association. At that time, the minimum occupancy age was 48, and it wasn't until Congress passed the Fair Housing Act that our minimum age was increased to 55. 

The golf course opened in the spring of 1984 and later became known as the Lions Head Country Club. 


At the beginning of 1987, we took over the management of the community from the builder and received a check from Lions Head Corporation for $125,000 as payment for various unfinished tasks, etc. This money was invested and became the basis of our Capital Replacement Fund. At that time, the office staff consisted of an Administrator, Assistant to the Administrator and an Activities Coordinator. The Administrator and his assistant occupied what is now the First Aid Room, while the Activities Coordinator had a small office at the rear entrance to the Clubhouse. The various Standing Committees were formed. 

In the beginning, our maintenance fees were $55, gradually increasing over the years. At one time, the fees were mailed to Lions Head Corporation in Connecticut and then to a local bank. This continued until the office staff was increased and eventually computerized to its present level of three persons, responsible for the maintenance and upkeep on the Clubhouse and common grounds. Then a situation developed regarding the disposition of the Sales Office adjacent to the Clubhouse. It was proposed that the Association acquire the Sales Office to provide space for officers, meetings, etc. The matter was put to a vote by the home owners and it was defeated. Eventually the Sales Office was replaced by new houses, bringing our total up to 615 living units.


During the eighties, the community became engaged in a long, drawn out legal battle with a company who wished to build a nursing home directly adjacent to the southern edge of the community in back of Meadowbrook Road. After many meetings, negotiations and court cases, it was finally settled that the nursing home would be built away from our community. 


Also in the eighties and early nineties, several major improvements were made. The office area in the Clubhouse was expanded to provide working space for the employees, along with a conference room. The propane heater for the swimming pool was replaced by solar heating panels on the Clubhouse roof. The Bocce court was constructed as was the shade pavilion at the pool. 


Near the beginning of 2002, another major event took place involving the acquisition of the Country Club by the Association. It was set up as a standing committee and maintained its own finances with the understanding that the Country Club finances would eventually be integrated into Association funds. 

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